Thursday, September 20, 2012

Now photographed at 36 Megapixels!

Thea is one of the first models photographed with our new, higher resolution camera. The photos were taken at 36 megapixels (before cropping). This allows for even more extreme detail when zooming in on photos. This is up from our previous maximum of 21 megapixels. We're also finding the new camera has a greater dynamic range; allowing for deeper shadows and brighter highlights without losing as much detail in those areas. Take a look at these two for comparison, first with the 21MP camera then with the new 36MP:

Thea appears closer to the camera (as shown by her eyes, nose and mouth appearing larger). The pores are clearer and the fine hairs on the face are more visible. The dark areas are rich without losing detail. It's an imperfect comparison, taken at different times with different models in different poses and lighting, but hopefully it gives the idea. We'll do a direct comparison with the next model.

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